Supporting an avenue of independence in educational choices for homeschooling families in Alabama. Rosewood Academy & High School A Church School Cover.
Supporting an avenue of independence in educational choices for homeschooling families in Alabama.Rosewood Academy & High SchoolA Church School Cover.

Our Philosophy


Learning is a verb different than teaching or educating- learning is something you do, not something done to you. A child owns the word "learn". Children are not only capable of learning but want to learn. The home is an ideal setting for children to explore their unique talents, develop their strengths, and realize their potential. When a child becomes aware of their capabilities, a beautiful thing happens; independence, self-direction, aspirations, and free creative expression ensue. A child that is alive and full of vitality experiences true self-esteem. Let's step back and allow children freedom through time, space and love to explore their world at their pace. Allow them to discover the hidden treasures within themselves and without. Step back and be amazed at the wonder, the excitement, the thrill , and zeal for life and trust in our children's desire to learn and help them to believe in themselves.

-Vesta Bidwell


"Freedom is necessary for the child because only under freedom can he grow his natural way – the good way." A.S. Neill

For those of you who plan to return to public school:


Please understand there is not a simple one step process for returning students to public school after homeschooling, because each school system is different, each system has different requirements. The most common situation is when the public school wants to hold the student back and not promote them to the next grade because you did not use an "ACCREDITED"<link curriculum.  Public schools are using the "COMMON CORE"<link curriculum throughout Alabama.    It is our strong recomendation that you work with the guidence counselor at the school you are going to return to in order for the process to go smoothly as possible.  


Rosewood Academy & High School

Providing a church school cover for families homeschooling in Alabama

updated 06/2023

 “What does compulsory education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, meandering brook.”  -Henry David Thoreau

Contact Info

Rosewood Academy and High School
1301 Rosewood Drive
Maytown, AL 35118

Ralph: 205 586-4842

call or text



Please call Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00
On weekends leave a message or text and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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