Use PayPal or send a check or money order to:
Rosewood Academy
1301 Rosewood Drive
Maytown, Al. 35118
For those of you who plan to return to public school:
There is not a simple one step process for returning students to public school after homeschooling, because each school system is different, each system has different requirements. The most common situation is when the public school wants to hold the student back and not promote them to the next grade because you did not use an "ACCREDITED" curriculum. Public schools are using the "COMMON CORE" curriculum throughout Alabama. It is our strong recomendation that you work with the guidence counselor at the school you are going to return to in order for the process to go as smoothly as possible.
We do not process diplomas in the month of August.
If by check make out to Rosewood Academy:
For transcripts and a diploma for all seniors who were enrolled with Rosewood Academy for the twelfth grade only.
Graduate or Transcript one year or less: please give $20.00
Diploma Replacement: please give $30.00
Use PayPal or send a check/money order to:
Send Check or Money Order to:
Rosewood Academy
1301 Rosewood Drive
Maytown, Al. 35118
New Enrollment please give $85
To add students to your family enrollment during the year if you have already enrolled is simple, just fill out a FIF, CSEF and (RFR-if coming from public school) and email to us.
please give $85
After August 1st: please give $95
For end of the year non graduation transcripts: please give $10
Student/Teacher ID Cards :: Send photo via email: please give $5
Use PayPal or send a check/money order to:
Send Check or Money Order to:
Rosewood Academy
1301 Rosewood Drive
Maytown, Al. 35118
Photo IDs help teachers receive discounts (you can get discounts at several stores with a teacher's ID, such B&N, JoAnns, Hancock Fabrics, etc.), and for High School students, especially if they are driving.
"The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves
throughout their lives."
-Robert Maynard Hutchins
Rosewood Academy & High School
A church school cover for families homeschooling in Alabama
updated 05/2024