Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Procedural Guide
A person maybe considered disabled under the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 if the individual:
1. Has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities.
"Major life activities" include functions such as:
- caring for one's self
- performing manual tasks
- walking
- hearing
- seeing
- breathing
- speaking
- working
- learning
When a condition does not substantially limit a major life activity, the individual does not qualify for services under Section 504.
2. Has a record of such an impairment; or
3. Is regarded as having such an impairment,
The second and third prongs of the definition only become a factor if discrimination has occurred because of the "record" or "history." This is not "special treatment." It does not require any affirmative steps by the school- it only imposes a passive standard of nondiscrimination. Only the first group, those who actually have a "physical or mental impairment" are entitled to special treatment (active standards).
A. Referral
1. Person making referral should fill out written form (Appendix A)
2. Within 10 days of written referral, send parent/guardian Notice of Intent to Evaluate (Appendix B)
3. Note: The period of time from date of receipt of referral to implementation of 504 plan must not exceed 45 days.
B. Students to be considered for Section 504
1. Suspect a disability of any kind.
2. Student is evaluated for Special Education and does not qualify under IDEA.
3. Student exhibits chronic health problems.
4. Student returns to school following serious illness or injury.
5. Student is identified as at-risk or is believed to be a potential dropout.
6. Student is being suspended or punished for excessive and persistent discipline problems.
7: Retention is being--considered.
8. Student is not benefiting from the instruction being provided.
C. Gather Informationl Data
1. Sufficient medical documentation, use medical release form. (Appendix C)
2. Sources of information/data
classroom grades
SAT scores
observation (Appendix D)
discipline file
individual achievement/assessment inventories, e.g., reading, math, etc.
special education records
3. If student is ADD/ADHD use Procedures for ADD/ADHD Evaluation
(Appendix E)
D. Determine eligibility
1. Convene Eligibility Determination Team
(parent is not a part of the team)
2. Consider information/data
3. Team makes determination
4. Complete Record of Eligibility Placement Determination (Appendix F)
5. Complete Parent Notification of Eligibility Determination (Appendix G)
E. Develop 504 Student Accommodation Plan
1. Convene planning meeting (parent is invited to this meeting)
2. Write plan
a. Consider accommodations appropriate to handicap (Appendix H)
b. Consider participation in State Assessment Program (Appendix I)
c. Complete 504 accommodation plan (Appendix J)
d. Place plan in a 504 student folder and send one copy to the central office
3. Implement plan
a. Notify and share plan with faculty/staff who need to know
b. Monitor implementation
c. Periodically monitor continuation of plan
F. Review Plan (about every 3 years)
1. Send request for parent to attend review of504 plan (Appendix K)
2. Reconvene 504 Planning Committee
3. Revise Accommodation Plan as needed