Rosewood Academy and High School is moving to a new website: RWAHOMESCHOOLING.COM
and we have a new email address for our Alabma folks:
All of our forms for 2021-22 can be found on our new website. If you have any questions please email us at or give Vienna a call at (205)830-5921
CHAPTER 290-3-1
290-3-1-.01 Short Title, Purpose, And Name Change
290-3-1-.02 Regulations Governing Public Schools
(c) Truancy Definition. A parent, guardian, or other person having charge of any child officially enrolled in Alabama public schools (K-12) shall explain in writing the cause of any and every absence of the child no later than three (3) school days following return to school. A failure to furnish such explanation shall be evidence of the child being truant each day he is absent. The child shall also be deemed truant for any absence determined by the principal to be unexcused based upon the State Department of Education's current School Attendance Manual. Seven unexcused absences within a school year constitute a student being truant for the purpose of filing a petition with the Court. The Interagency Committee on Youth Truancy Task Force recommendations known as the Early Warning Truancy Prevention Program timeline for reporting truancy shall define the truancy status of any student as follows:
1. First truancy/unexcused absence (warning)
(i) Parent/guardian shall be notified by the school principal or his/her designee that the
student was truant and the date of the truancy.
(ii) Parent/guardian shall also be provided with a copy of Alabama's compulsory school
attendance laws and advised of the penalties that can be applied and the procedures thatshall be followed in the event that other unexcused absences occur.
2. No earlier than the fifth unexcused absence (conference)
(i) The parent, guardian, or person having control of the child shall
(1) attend a conference with the attendance officer and principal or his/her designee and/or
(2) participate in the early warning program provided by the juvenile court.
(ii) Attendance at one of these conferences shall be mandatory except where prior
arrangements have been made or an emergency exists.
(iii) Failure to appear at the school conference and/or to appear at the early warning
program shall result in the filing of a complaint/petition against the parent under Code of Ala.
1975, §16-28-12(c) (failure to cooperate), or a truancy against the child, whichever isappropriate.
3. No earlier than seventh unexcused absence, but within ten (10) school days (court)
(i) File complaint/petition against the child and/or parent/guardian, if appropriate.
4. Child under probation
(i) The school attendance officer should be notified by the juvenile probation officer of
all children in the school system under probation supervision by the juvenile court asconsistentwith state statute, Code of Ala. 1975, §12-l5-100 and 105.
(ii) Where a child under probation is truant, the school attendance officer should
immediately notify the juvenile probation officer.
5. Any local education agency may adopt a policy more rigorous than the State policy