Supporting an avenue of independence in educational choices for homeschooling families in Alabama. Rosewood Academy & High School A Church School Cover.
Supporting an avenue of independence in educational choices for homeschooling families in Alabama.Rosewood Academy & High SchoolA Church School Cover.

Re-enrollment deadline is August 1st                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rosewood Academy of Life Connected Ministries.  If you need prayer please reach out to us through contacts.



Please send a check or money order to:


Rosewood Academy

1301 Rosewood Drive

Maytown, Al. 35118


After August 1st, please give $85


Thank you for helping this ministry exist by giving. 


1.Please print the Re-enrollment form and mail to Rosewood with a check or money order. Nothing is required to send to the BOE


2. If you have a new family member enrolling or have moved to a new school district please be sure to submit a Church School Enrollment form for them. This form will need to be sent to the BOE after it is signed by Rosewood Academy. This form can be scanned & emailed or mailed to Rosewood.

2024-25 Re-enrollment Form
This form is for Rosewood records only. It is not to be given to the Board of Education. Keep a copy of this form for your personal records and mail the original to Rosewood Academy along with a check or money order. If paying by PayPal, please go to the 2024-25 Re-enrollment online page.
2024-25 Re-Enrollment Form-4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [61.0 KB]


Each family un-enrolled by Rosewood Academy, but wants to re-enroll must fill out a new Church School Enrollment Form.  The CSEF will need to be delivered to your local superintendent, by the parent/guardian, after it is signed by Rosewood Academy and High School.


*Please note:  Rosewood Academy will contact you before contacting the BOE.  

It is important to keep your contact information up to date.


If you have been contacted by Rosewood Academy that your family has been un-enrolled please send to Rosewood Academy:


1. A new Church School Enrollment Form for each child.   CSEF FORM

2. A re-enrollment form.  RE-ENROLLMENT FORM

3. A photocopy of the parent/guardian's license

4. New enrollment:  please give $85

95. Late re-enrollment:  please give $95



Thank you for helping this ministry exist by giving.


Re-Enrollment 2024-25


Use PayPal or send a check or money order to:




Send Check or Money Order to:

Rosewood Academy

1301 Rosewood Drive

Maytown, Al. 35118

Rosewood Academy & High School

A church school cover for families homeschooling in Alabama

updated 05/2024

 “What does compulsory education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, meandering brook.”  -Henry David Thoreau

Contact Info

Rosewood Academy and High School
1301 Rosewood Drive
Maytown, AL 35118

Ralph: 205 586-4842

call or text



Please call Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00
On weekends leave a message or text and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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