Supporting an avenue of independence in educational choices for homeschooling families in Alabama. Rosewood Academy & High School A Church School Cover.
Supporting an avenue of independence in educational choices for homeschooling families in Alabama.Rosewood Academy & High SchoolA Church School Cover.

Dual Enrollment/College/High School Students

If you are interested in attending a dual enrollment course through a college that is not listed below, please contact us so that we can expedite the application process. Please give $10



Northeast Alabama Community College                                              Wallace State Community College

Advisor Ms.Tonie Niblett                                                                      Contact: Ms. Karen Johnson

Phone: 1(256) 638 - 4418 ext. 2325                                                       Phone: 1(256) 352 - 8051

Email:                                                                      Email:



Calhoun Community College                                                              Southern Union State Community College

Director Gwen Baker                                                                            Registrar: Catherine Stringfellow

Phone: 1(256) 306 - 2665                                                                       Phone: 1(334) 395 - 2211 ext. 5155 

Email:                                                  Email:

Transcript Request Form for Dual Enrollment
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Dual Enrollment Transcript 2023-24


Rosewood Academy 2023-24

"One of the most wonderful opportunities for many high-schooled homeschoolers is the chance to take one or more college courses while they are still in high school. Not only can it be a venue for “outsourcing” some of the more lab-intensive or collaboration-improved courses, but it also allows home schoolers to get a head start on their college degree."  


There are a number of benefits to dual-enrollment programs. Earning college credit while still in high school sounds like a dream for many students. In addition, these programs introduce students to the rigors of college coursework early, and recent studies have shown that students who participate in dual-enrollment programs are more likely go on to get a college degree. But is dual enrollment right for your child?



  • Dual enrollment gives students an idea of what full-time college coursework will be like, says By trying out a few classes while still in high school, your child can get used to the academic environment before he or she leaves the comfort and support of home.
  • Your child may be able to take classes that aren’t readily available.
  • College courses can give your student a closer look at his or her area of academic interest. If your child is currently loving advanced history, a college course next year on the Civil War or the Great Depression will help him or her explore that period in greater depth and precision.
  • According to, most students change their majors at least once. Taking a college class as a high school senior can help your child find his or her area of interest before the pressure is on to declare a major.
  • It is possible a college-level class will help him or her demonstrate the ability to handle more difficult coursework, according to This ability is something every college admissions officer wants to see.
  • Due to the large number of online and virtual classes offered by many schools, dual-enrollment courses may be conducted right at your home.  
  • Perhaps the biggest benefit of dual enrollment is that your child may start accumulating college credits, helping him or her graduate on time or even early.




Where Should We Start?

  • Rules for dual-enrollment eligibility vary from college to college, so students should check with the college of their choice.  Usually, students must be at least 16 years old and have a GPA of at least 2.5; they may also have to take placement tests. Students will also need permission from their parents/guardians and a signed form by your church school adminstraitor.
  • Many states pay for dual enrollment; in other states, students must pay.


Early College Initiatives

The Alabama Community College System provides general education, career and technical education, and other collegiate programs at the freshman and sophomore levels that prepare students for transfer to four-year institutions to complete baccalaureate degrees, as well as to Athens State University, an upper division university. To foster academic preparation and future postsecondary success, today’s community college influence also extends into the high schools.


Dual Enrollment programs that allow high school students to take academic coursework at community colleges are common across Alabama, and include all of the two-year colleges except Ingram State Technical College and Marion Military Institute.  Colleges partner with area church and high schools along with local Boards of Education to facilitate the cooperative dual enrollment.


The Early College Enrollment Program (ECEP) provides an opportunity for high school students to earn college credits toward a technical or health certificate and/or degree that meets local, regional, or state high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand critical workforce training needs while completing high school.


Wallace State Community College-Hanceville is one of eight community colleges and four charter schools nationwide – and the only institution in Alabama – to be granted funding for a new model program, Fast Track to College Academy, which allows high school juniors and seniors to complete their high school education while attaining postsecondary certificates or degrees.  The initial grant of $790,760 awarded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education will fund the program for five years. The program is targeted to specific career or degree tracks and is similar to dual enrollment in that it offers simultaneous high school and college credit. Fast Track Academy options include health occupations, public safety and automotive manufacturing technology.


Seventeen high school students enrolled last fall in the first Aviation Maintenance Technology dual enrollment class offered by Enterprise-Ozark Community College. The Governor’s Office of Workforce Development, the Covington County Economic Development Commission, and local school districts partnered with EOCC to quickly establish the dual enrollment program in response to the growing aviation industry in Covington County.


A program developed with the assistance of the Knowledge Works Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation led to the formation of a unique partnership between Wallace State Community College-Selma and Selma Early College High School (ECHS). Students at the innovative high school take a combination of high school and college classes, enabling them to graduate from the high school – the first of its kind on an Alabama college campus – with up to 60 hours of college credit.



Note: This database does not include information about Tech Prep or early/middle college high school programs. Information about such programs is included in the ECS career/technical education and early/middle college high school databases.
Methodology: This information was collected from state statutes, rules and regulations, and state education agency Web sites. A profile was sent to each state for review and modification, as needed.

Last updated: February 2015

Data compiled by Jennifer Dounay Zinth: 303.299.3689 or



Program Basics

Statewide policy in place


Definition or title of program

Dual Enrollment

Where courses provided

  • At high school

  • At postsecondary institution

  • Virtual program

Postsecondary and/or secondary credit earned


Students may take developmental/remedial coursework for dual credit


CTE component

Yes. Students at two-year colleges may enroll in academic, career and technical or health science courses.

Local boards may elect to participate in the Early College Enrollment Program (ECEP), a dual enrollment program for career and technical education students in grades 11 and 12.

Students who do not have a minimum "B" average but who have demonstrated ability to benefit as documented by successful completion and placement identification on assessments approved by the department of postsecondary education are limited to pursuing career/technical and health-related courses.

Unique characteristics

Private school and homeschool students may also establish dual enrollment agreements with postsecondary institutions.

Students in grades 10-12 who do not meet the eligibility requirement of a "B" average in high school courses may be determined eligible to participate in dual enrollment "pending demonstrated ability to benefit as documented by successful completion and placement identification on assessments approved by the department of postsecondary education" (includes ASSET, WorkKeys, CPAT). Such students are limited to pursuing career/technical and health-related courses, and must have "a 'B' average in high school courses related to the occupational/technical studies, if applicable, which the student intends to pursue at the postsecondary level and" have an overall 2.5 grade point average.

The state department of education must work with districts with the lowest high school graduation rates to implement dropout prevention interventions. One of the interventions the department may implement is offering full course fee waivers to students eligible for free/reduced lunch who are enrolled in dual credit courses. The department must submit a written report to the legislature on the outcomes of dropout prevention strategies, and any planned modification of school system dropout prevention strategies and activities, based on the data compiled.


Offering mandatory or voluntary


College partners can be 2-year/4-year/both


Student eligibility requirements

  • Student in grades 10-12

  • Minimum GPA

  • Written approval/recommendation

  • Meet entrance requirements set by postsecondary institution

Cap on number of credits students may earn

Not set in state policy

Students/parents must be notified of dual enrollment opportunities

No. However, standards for school counselors require that prospective school counselors demonstrate knowledge of secondary/postsecondary course articulation and dual enrollment.

Counseling/advising is made available to students

Yes, at community colleges. The dual enrollment agreement between the local board and postsecondary institution must address methods for addressing student related issues, including admissions, procedures, and advisement.


Who is primarily responsible for paying tuition

Local decision. Tuition is the responsibility of the student/parent, unless otherwise negotiated between the college and the local board of education. Tuition may be provided by alternative resources, including funds provided by Workforce Development.

How state funds participating high schools


How state funds participating postsecondary institutions

Not defined. Determined on institutional basis.

Ensuring Program Quality

Instructor and course quality component

Yes. A high school teacher teaching a dual enrollment course through a community college must be designated an adjunct faculty member of the college and must meet the state board and other accrediting agencies' credentialing requirements. Faculty must be under the college's control and supervision, and the college must provide for faculty orientation, supervision and evaluation.

For courses offered through four-year institutions, instructor and course quality provisions are determined at the institutional level.

Program reporting requirement

Not set in state policy

Program evaluation component

Yes, for partnerships between districts and community colleges. Each partnership must include a plan for annual program evaluation. At four-year institutions, addressed on a case-by-case basis.


Public postsecondary institutions required to accept credits



Rosewood Academy & High School

A church school cover for families homeschooling in Alabama

Updated 06/2023

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